
What Breast Cancer Awareness Means To Us (Part Two)

Oct 28, 2020
What Breast Cancer Awareness Means To Us (Part Two)
While Breast Cancer is something that all of our warriors experience and fight for every day, October is an opportunity to spread this awareness on an even high level and open the world's eyes to what this disease really is.

While Breast Cancer is something that all of our warriors experience and fight for every day, October is an opportunity to spread this awareness on an even high level and open the world's eyes to what this disease really is.

Hello, warriors! Welcome back to the blog and welcome back to part two of our blog discussing what breast cancer awareness means to us. While we are rapidly approaching the end of October and the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we hope you know how incredibly proud we are of each of you. We know this year's difficult situation has prevented us from doing what we all normally like to do to spread awareness, raise money, and gather with our fellow fighters, supporters, and warriors. 2020 can't cancel our hope, our fight, our journey, or the color pink. We all continue to stand in solidarity together, continue to fight together, and support one another. We know this year might be weighing heavy on you and your family, but please believe us when we say that we understand and we are with you. Please continue on your journey, continue with your fight, and continue using your story to prepare and educate others. Your fight can be a light in the darkness for others and for the rest of 2020 and beyond. Have you been feeling at a loss this month, that you haven't found your voice in this battle, that you're not giving back enough or doing enough? Don't be discouraged. Your voice and everything you're doing every day speaks volumes. To help give our own bit of help and support for the rest of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and beyond, we wanted to create a blog on how to make everyday Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

Your voice, your journey, and how you choose to handle and battle your diagnosis is a testament in itself. Even if you aren't particularly vocal or you don't share your experience in a blog or through social media, that doesn't mean your journey doesn't impact others. When you go in for your treatments, consider the people sitting around you. This could be their very first or very last treatment. A kind smile, sharing your experiences with them, or just being a positive presence within this little snapshot of time can cause a ripple effect to those battling around you. How youR battle progresses also doesn't go unnoticed by your doctor or nurses. They find comfort, inspiration, and drive from how hard you fight and in the relationship you build together. 

Your journey and battle can bring you closer to your loved ones than ever before and can create a bond that you never expected. How you live in your survivorship and how you share your experiences with a new friend or coworker leaves an impression too. Don't think you have to shout from the rooftops and put yourself in the spotlight if you don't want to. Every step of your journey affects someone. If you want to be public about your experience, that is a welcomed expression too. Writing a blog, documenting your experiences on Facebook or Instagram, being a mentor to someone recently diagnosed, participating in group meetings, and more can also help others and raise awareness. No matter how you chose to share and express your experience, both are just as important and beneficial as the other. 

There are many steps you and your loved ones can take to promote awareness throughout the entire year, here are some tips and suggestions to make that possible. 

  • Lead by Example: One of the biggest keys in battling breast cancer is to promote, talk about, and support early detection. Talk about how common it is to get breast cancer at an early age and that mammograms don't truly work for individuals under the age of 40. Talk about and normalize self-breast exams, give yourself self-breast exams often, and once you reach the age of getting a mammogram, start going and getting those, and don't keep it a secret! 
  • You can talk to your friends and family: Don't shy away or keep your experience from your loved ones. Share with them what you are or have gone through and what you may have done differently. Plan to go and get screened together and talk about self-breast exams. Make sure to support one another to make sure that each of you is getting the care and support that you need. 
  • Listen to your community: There are so many women who want and need to tell their stories and how it affected their lives and the lives of their loved ones. It's a grueling process to go through, but listing to someone who needs to share their story can be healing for the storyteller and those who are listing. It can make the reality of breast cancer and the fact that true awareness hardly skims the surface very real. It can inspire you to work harder to be an advocate and to push harder for a cure. This is also an opportunity to comfort them through their experience and to spend as much time with them as possible. 
  • You can donate to a charity or multiple charitable organizations throughout the year, not just in October. Everything and anything you give will help. Don't be quiet about your donations or involvement. Don't just share your favorite places to donate in October. Share them as often as you can. Host fundraising events throughout the year, or create a fundraising event or opportunity for your loved ones and friends to donate throughout the year, for your birthday, at every holiday, and any large gathering. Your voice and your actions can set a consistent example, and remind others that breast cancer is a reality for people every single day.
  • Please remember that there is always something new to learn. Regardless if you are newly diagnosed, fighting, living in your survivorship, or a family member has been diagnosed, there is always more information out there to know, understand, and help spread. The Susan G. Komen foundation reminds us that knowledge is your power and a key device in your treatment and diagnosis. The more you know and understand what you or your loved ones are going through, the more you can feel in control of your life, in control of your diagnosis, and the more you can explain to others to spread awareness. We know this might be your new reality, but it doesn't have to define your whole reality. 

We know that your voice is important. Each of your individual stories is worth telling, saving, and sharing. We know that awareness and what we need to cure breast cancer isn't at the level that it deserves and what it should be. Every day we are fighting to make your voices louder, the cure closer, and helping to educate the world about this horrible disease. While so much of the world just sees Breast Cancer Awareness Month as pink ribbons and fundraisers, we see your stories, your pain, your frustrations, and all that you go through every day. Let us stand together to make Breast Cancer Awareness month more than just a month, and finally beat this disease once and for all.